3rd European Summer School in Evidence-based Public Health - Munich, Germany

This Summer School is organized by Pettenkofer School of Public Health at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. It is ideal for:

  • Researchers planning to undertake systematic reviews of public health interventions or working on other aspects of evidence-based public health;
  • Mid-career professionals working in public health institutions; and.
  • Students undertaking a Masters or PhD in Public Health or Epidemiology and wishing to embark on a career in evidence-based public health.

The objectives of the Summer School are:

  • To learn about the principles of the evolving field of evidence-based public health through the use of worked examples.
  • To embrace different concepts of “complex interventions” and understand how these can affect evaluation approaches.
  • To understand the process, conduct and dissemination of systematic reviews in public health, focusing on quantitative reviews but being aware of qualitative/mixed-method reviews.
  • To get to know the GRADE approach as a means of assessing the quality of a body of evidence.
  • To appreciate challenges of and different approaches to translating evidence into public health into policy and practice.

External link for more information

Course fee: 750 EUR

Contact and info: 

Jacob Burns

Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology
University of Munich
Marchioninistrasse 15
81377 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 2180 7212 9
Email: burns@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de