Common errors and best practice when writing a review protocol [webinar]

This webinar, delivered as a part of the Cochrane Learning Live series, is on common errors made in the development of Cochrane Review Protocols and how these errors can be avoided or addressed.

The webinar was presented by Dr Nuala Livingstone from the Cochrane Editorial Unit, and covers: 

  1. Background, objectives, elegibility criteria, selecting outcomes and planning a search
  2. Selection & data extraction, risk of bias, measures of treatment effect, and assessment of heterogeneity 
  3. Unit of analysis, missing data, subgroup & sensitivity analyses
  4. ‘Summary of findings’ tables and general errors

The webinar is of interest to review authors wishing to learn more about developing their own protocol, as well as editors who wish to learn more about recognising common errors at an earlier stage in the review process.

Part 1: Background, objectives, elegibility criteria, selecting outcomes and planning a search 


Part 2: Selection & data extraction, risk of bias, measures of treatment effect, and assessment of heterogeneity 


Part 3: Unit of analysis, missing data, subgroup & sensitivity analyses


Part 4: ‘Summary of findings’ tables, general errors and Q&A 


Downloadable file: 
Author information: 
Livinstone, Nuala; Sambunjak, Dario; Watts, Chris