Introducing Living Systematic Reviews

This webinar video series is for those interested in innovative approaches to systematic reviews.  In this webinar, Anneliese Synnot from Cochrane Australia talks about Living Systematic Reviews (LSRs) and the pilot Living Systematic Review being undertaken by Cochrane.  

The videos below cover:

  1. Background  to LSRs
  2. What is an LSR 
  3. When an LSR is appropriate
  4. LSR methods 
  5. Production and publication implications of LSRs
  6. Example LSRs: Cochrane and beyond

You will also find links to slides [in PDF] from Annie’s webinar below.  For those of you who are interested in reading more about LSRs, we have also provided a document listing Useful references and resources about Living Systematic Reviews.

Part 1: Background to Living Systematic Reviews

Part 2: What is a Living Systematic Review?

Part 3: When an LSR is appropriate

Part 4: LSR Methods

Part 5: Production and publication implications of LSRs

Part 6: Example LSR - Cochrane and beyond


Author information: 
Synnot, Annie; Watts Chris