A popular one-day course for information specialists and librarians on supporting systematic reviews in health and social care. Hosted by the Centre for Reviews & Dissemination, University of York.
The course will be led by:
- Carol Lefebvre, Co-Convenor of the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group
- Melissa Harden, Information Specialist at Centre for Reviews & Dissemination
- Kath Wright, Information Services Manager at the Centre for Reviews & Dissemination
The day will be a mixture of presentations, practical exercises and quizzes, with plenty of time dedicated to questions and discussion.
By the end of the day participants will know about:
- systematic review methods
- planning an appropriate search strategy
- locating and using methodological search filters
- documenting the search process
- managing references using bibliographic software
- the role of the information professional in the systematic review team
Pre-requisites for course attendance:
- experience of bibliographic database searching
- familiarity with MeSH indexing, Boolean operators, truncation and other basic search tools and techniques
The course does not include a “hands on” database searching session so prior knowledge or experience in these areas is essential to get the most from the day.
The cost of the course is the same as in 2015:-
- £160 for public sector & non-profit organisations.
- £540 (incl. VAT) for private & commercial companies.
- Lunch, refreshments and a course pack are included in the price.
- A charge of £20 will be payable for cancellations up to 19th August 2016.
- Cancellations after 19th August 2016 will not be refunded.
In the unlikely event that, due to unforeseen circumstances, any of the workshops have to be cancelled by the University of York, their liability is limited to a refund of paid workshop fees only. It is therefore recommended that delegates have adequate insurance cover to claim any travel or personal expenses.
If you require any further information about the content of the day, please contact: 01904 321040 or e-mail: crd-support@york.ac.uk
To book a place on the course please complete and return the booking form available at https://www.york.ac.uk/crd/training-services/identifying-the-evidence/