Methods Support Unit web clinics

Welcome to this series of Cochrane Learning Live webinars, all dedicated to methods support. Each month, Cochrane Review authors and Cochrane Review Group staff are invited to join a 60 minute web clinic hosted by Cochrane's Methods Support Unit to discuss methodological questions during the production of Cochrane Protocols and Reviews.

We are pleased to be joined throughout the series by leading experts in this field, and you can find out more about each session and access the webinar recordings below. All sessions are freely open to everyone. 

Upcoming sessions

Thursday, 12 January 2023, 09:00 UTC 
How to approach writing a Background section
Toby Lasserson, Deputy Editor in Chief, Cochrane 

Thursday, 9 February 2023, 09:00 UTC
Risk of Bias 2: Good practice and common errors
Rachel Richardson, Methods Support Unit Manager, Cochrane

Watch the recordings of previous sessions