Policy on using standard training materials

Training materials approved by the Cochrane Methods Board are made available on this website for members of the Cochrane Trainers' Network. This policy explains how they should be used, which aspects of the materials you can modify, and when you should check with Cochrane Training.

Using the materials

Members of the Trainers’ Network have standing permission to use the materials, provided that:

  • You are careful to note whether or not you are providing training on behalf of Cochrane, or a Cochrane Group. If not, you may use the materials but should not claim to be representing Cochrane. If you are representing a Cochrane Group, you should have permission from that Group to do so.
  • Training is provided on a non-commercial basis (although fees may be charged to recover the cost of presenting the workshops).

Under any other circumstances, you should contact training@cochrane.org to request permission to use the materials.

Modifying the materials

Where possible, it is preferred that trainers use the materials as approved, without modification.

However, recognising the importance of local needs and the expertise of trainers, members of the Trainers’ Network may adapt these materials to suit local requirements for workshops and presentations. If materials are modified, the following conditions apply:

  • Materials must be consistent with Cochrane methods and policies.
  • Substantive modifications should be submitted to Cochrane Training for review, to ensure consistency with Cochrane policy and to facilitate sharing of new training ideas within the Trainers’ Network. Review is not required for minor modifications.
  • Design of the materials (i.e. the logo, style and formatting) should be retained. Use of the logo is important to identify the source of the materials, although anyone not authorised to do so should not present themselves as speaking on behalf of Cochrane.
  • Acknowledgement of authors and sources provided with the original materials should be retained, adding any additional sources used in the adapted materials.

Translating the materials

Translation of these materials is an important contribution to training for authors whose first language is not English. Members of the Trainers’ Network who wish to contribute to the translation of these materials are encouraged to do so. Translations will be accepted as approved materials for trainers provided that they are direct translations of approved materials, and that a reasonably thorough process has been used to check the translation for accuracy. The relevant Cochrane Centre, Associate Centre or Affiliate (if one exists) should be consulted and involved in checking translations.

Sharing the materials

Materials may be shared with non-members of the Trainers’ Network only for the immediate purpose of presenting training on behalf of Cochrane (e.g. colleagues who are assisting with your workshop may be provided with materials for that purpose, but may not use these materials for other purposes not related to organisational activities.).

Modifiable electronic versions of these materials should not be provided to workshop participants. Non-modifiable versions, such as pdfs or paper handouts, may be shared.

Other uses

Use of these materials in any manner not covered by these conditions requires permission from the Cochrane Learning & Support Department. Please send any requests to training@cochrane.org.