‘Summary of findings’ tables in network meta-analysis (NMA)

In these videos from a Cochrane Learning Live webinar, Juan José Yepes-Nuñez and Holger J Schünemann show how to interpret findings of network meta-analysis (NMA) through a NMA ‘Summary of findings’ (SoF) tables developed based on principles of the GRADE approach to rating certainty of evidence from NMAs.

This webinar was intended for anyone interested in discussing how to present NMA results through a ‘Summary of findings’ table.

Below you will find slides from the webinar [PDF] as well as edited videos covering:

1. Introduction to NMA
2. Introduction to GRADE for NMA
3. An overview of "Summary of findings" (SoF) tables in systematic reviews
4. NMA SoF tablePresenters bio

Presenters bio:

Juan José Yepes-Nuñez. MD, MSc, PhD candidate
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (HEI), McMaster University, Canada

Holger J Schünemann, MD, PhD, MSc, FRCP(C)
Chair, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (formerly "Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics")
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Medicine|Michael Gent Chair in Healthcare Research
Director, Cochrane Canada and McMaster GRADE Centre, McMaster University


1. Introduction to NMA

2. Introduction to GRADE for NMA

3. An overview of "Summary of findings" (SoF) tables in systematic reviews

4. NMA SoF table

Author information: 
Yepes-Nuñez, Juan José; Schünemann, Holger; Sambunjak, Dario