Cochrane Classmate: A tool for trainers

These videos, original part of the Cochrane Learning Live webinar series, are for those interested in finding out more about Cochrane's exciting new training tool: Classmate. 

The webinar is presented by Anna Noel-Storr from the Cochrane Crowd project. Anna takes you on a tour of Classmate and shows how you can easily create a learning activity such as a live citation screening challenge, invite students to that activity, and monitor their progress and feedback.

Anna’s demonstration also shows how Classmate has been built to enable trainers to use Cochrane Crowd* tasks for their students. 

*Cochrane Crowd is Cochrane citizen science platform where anyone with an interest in health can dive into small discrete tasks aimed at identifying health evidence.

Below you will find slides from the webinar [PDF] as well as edited videos covering:

  1.  Cochrane Crowd
  2. Introducing Cochrane Classmate
  3. Cochrane Classmate live demonstration


Part 1: Cochrane Crowd

Part 2: Introducing Cochrane Classmate

Part 3: Cochrane Classmate live demonstration


Author information: 
Noel-Storr, Anna; Sambunjak, Dario; Watts, Chris