Diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) – a brief introduction

This is a recorded video slidecast presentation by Rob Scholten, director of Cochrane Netherlands, delivered at a two-day workshop hosted by Cochrane Netherlands.

This presentation is a brief introduction to the concept of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA), including how it is different from diagnostic RCTs, how to read a diagnostic 2x2 table, what are the steps in a DTA study, and when DTA study should be used.

Please note you will need to have Microsoft Silverlight installed in order to play the presentations. 

After using this resource, you should be able to...
  • Recognize a diagnostic 2x2 table
  • Outline the basic design of a DTA study
  • Discuss advantages and limitations of the DTA study

Diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) – a brief introduction

Author information: 
Scholten, Rob

Thanks to Cochrane Netherlands.