Introduction to RevMan 5 for DTA reviews

This is a recorded session on the use of RevMan for DTA reviews, facilitated by Mariska Leeflang, Co-Convenor of the Cochrane Screening and Diagnostic Tests Methods Group and a member of the Cochrane Diagnostic Test Accuracy Working Group. This session was part of a two-day workshop hosted by Cochrane Netherlands.

RevMan is the software developed by Cochrane to support praparing and maintaining intervention reviews, but it has been modified and upgraded to allow the work on DTA reviews also. This session provides a guided tour of key features of RevMan, focusing on their application in DTA reviews.

Please note you will need to have Microsoft Silverlight installed in order to play the presentations. 

After using this resource, you should be able to...
  • Identify key features of RevMan for use in DTA reviews
  • Import references to RevMan
  • Enter study data and perform the analysis of diagnostic test accuracy in RevMan

Introduction to RevMan 5 for DTA reviews

Author information: 
Leeflang, Mariska

Thanks to Cochrane Netherlands.