Knowledge synthesis for knowledge users

In these videos from a Cochrane Learning Live webinar delivered in partnership with GESI: the Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative, Dr Andrea C. Tricco discusses the importance of knowledge synthesis, different types of knowledge syntheses and how to select the most appropriate knowledge synthesis method to address a particular research question posed by knowledge users. Dr G. Arun Kumar shares the experience of his team in reviewing the evidence on the implementation of large-scale microfinance programmes over the last three decades in the South Asian region.

Below you will find edited videos from the webinar on:

  1. Importance of knowledge synthesis
  2. Example of evidence synthesis: impact of microfinance
  3. Types of knowledge syntheses

We have also provided the presentation slides from the webinar [PDF].

Presenters Bio

Dr. Andrea C. Tricco (PhD, MSc) is a scientist from Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital and Assistant Professor in Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Canada. She holds a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Knowledge Synthesis. Her research interests are related to responding to knowledge users (including patients, healthcare providers, and policy-makers) through knowledge synthesis. Her research also focuses on advancing the science of knowledge synthesis and she is leading research projects related to rapid reviews, network meta-analysis, and scoping reviews.

Dr. G. Arun Kumar is a professor of finance & accounting with interests in Development Finance and Development Policy Analysis.  He is with the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.

Part 1: Importance of knowledge synthesis

Part 2: Example of evidence synthesis: impact of microfinance

Part 3: Types of knowledge syntheses


Author information: 
Tricco, Andrea; Kumar, G. Arun; Lotfi, Tamara; Sambunjak, Dario