Making sense in systematic reviews of complex interventions

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of complex interventions raise conceptual and methodological challenges. Traditional methods often do not adequately address these.

In these videos, orginally part of the Cochrane Learning Live and GESI webinar series, Dr Jeremy Grimshaw and Kristin Danko presented novel analytical approaches to enhance the informativeness of systematic reviews of complex interventions using a systematic review of diabetes quality improvement as an example.

Below you will find videos from the webinar, together with accompanying slides to download [PDF].

Presenter bio:

Dr Jeremy Grimshaw, Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Professor, Department of Medicine University of Ottawa, Board Chair Campbell Collaboration, Cochrane editor and author. Jeremy is the current Board Chair of the Campbell Collaboration. He has contributed to Cochrane for over 20 years; he was the Co-ordinating Editor of the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care group (1997-2015) and Director of Cochrane Canada (2006-2016). He is a world expert in systematic reviews of (complex) interventions to improve healthcare delivery and healthcare systems.

Kristin Danko is a PhD Candidate in Epidemiology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. She holds a Bachelors degree in Anatomy and Cell Biology, a Bachelors degree in Education, and a Masters degree in Rehabilitation Sciences. She has over 15 years experience in conducting systematic reviews addressing diverse clinical and health service questions using methods ranging from quick-response evidence summaries to full Cochrane reviews. Her PhD research focusses on methods to improve the synthesis of complex multicomponent interventions, including the use of hierarchical models that she will discuss today.  


Part 1: Complex Interventions: Example of quality improvement strategies on the management of diabetes

Part 2: Exploring heterogeneity in systematic reviews of complex interventions


Author information: 
Grimshaw, Jeremy; Danko, Kristin