Practical issues in planning a Cochrane DTA Review

This is a recorded video slidecast presentation by Rob Scholten, director of Cochrane Netherlands, delivered at a two-day workshop hosted by Cochrane Netherlands.

If you’re considering to conduct a Cochrane DTA Review, this short presentation will give you some very practical advices on how to embark on this venture: how to form your team, how to deal with Cochrane Review Groups and editorial processes, and where to get help.

Please note you will need to have Microsoft Silverlight installed in order to play the presentations. 

After using this resource, you should be able to...
  • Decide who should be involved in conducting a Cochrane DTA Review
  • Understand the editorial processes in production of Cochrane DTA Reviews

Practical issues in planning a Cochrane DTA Review

Author information: 
Scholten, Rob

Thanks to the Dutch Cochrane Centre.