Rapid reviews from the ground up

In these videos from a Cochrane Learning Live webinar delivered in partnership with GESI: the Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative, Dr Valerie J. King gives a brief introduction to the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Method group and presents the key recommendations for conducting rapid reviews from the new new guidance developed through the WHO Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research.

Dr Agustín Ciapponi presents the experience on rapid evidence synthesis of an Argentinean Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agency and Cochrane Centre.

Below you will find slides from the webinar [PDF] as well as edited videos covering:

  1. An introduction to Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods group
  2. An introduction to performing rapid reviews
  3. HTA rapid reviews

Presenters Bio:

Dr Valerie J. King (MD, MPH) conducts rapid reviews as part of her work for Oregon Health & Science University, Center for Evidence-based Policy. She is a co-convenor of the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods group and an author for Chapter 2 of the WHO publication ‘Rapid reviews to strengthen health policy and systems: a practical guide’.

Dr Agustín Ciapponi is the director of Cochrane Argentina at the Institute for Clinical Effrectiveness and Health Policy.


Part 1: An introduction to Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods group

Part 2: An introduction to performing rapid reviews

Part 3: HTA rapid reviews


Author information: 
King, Valerie; Ciapponi, Agustin; Lotfi, Tamara; Sambunjak, Dario