Using Cochrane Reviews in real life

This is a recording of the Cochrane Canada Webinar with Anne Lyddiatt, a Cochrane Consumer Representative and a National Trainer with the Patient Partners in Arthritis Program.

How does a consumer use Cochrane Reviews when communicating with health care professionals and making health care decisions? In this webinar, an active consumer who is involved and contributes to Cochrane Reviews, will share her experience, including tips and strategies for using the information found in Cochrane Reviews and decision aids.

After using this resource, you should be able to...
  • Understand what is a systematic review
  • Recognize a plain language summary in a Cochrane Review
  • Identify and use patient decision aids

Author information: 
Lyddiatt, Anne

Cochrane Canada webinar series was produced with the support of Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Institute of Gender and Health, Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health, Institute of Infection and Immunity, Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis, Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes, and Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Blackboard Collaborate tool for producing webinars was provided by Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) / WHO Research Promotion and Development. Special thanks to Luis Gabriel Cuervo for converting the webinars to Youtube videos.