Searching For Adverse Effects

Information on the adverse effects of health care interventions is important for decision-making by regulators, policy makers, health care professionals, and patients. Serious or important adverse effects may occur rarely and, consequently, systematic reviews and meta-analyses that synthesize harms data from numerous sources can provide greater insights. Yet searching for adverse effects can present many challenges.

This Cochrane Learning Live webinar provides guidance for review authors on the available data sources on adverse effects, and how to retrieve data for incorporation into a systematic review. The webinar will consist of three parts

1) Challenges in searching for adverse effects

2) How to create search strategies for adverse effects

3) Where to search for adverse effects

The webinar is presented by Dr Su Golder, Co-convenor of the Cochrane Adverse Effects Methods Group (CAEMG). Su is a qualified information specialist with over 20 years' experience. Her research interests include the retrieval of adverse effects data for systematic reviews, the identification of unpublished data and the use of social media as an information source. 

The session will be of interest to information specialists of all levels of experience and review authors with an interest in searching or adverse effects.  It will consist of a 40 minute presentation with questions.

Sign up

Thursday 25th May 14.00 UTC [check the time in your time zone] SIGN UP HERE