Systematic literature search - two-day introductory and advanced course: Freiburg, Germany

First day: Introductory Course, 2nd day Advanced Course. Both courses may be attended or just a single one.

During the introductory course you will receive introductions to evidence-based medicine, basics of literature search and Cochrane and its databases. Online search tutorials in Medline through Pubmed and hands-on tutorial on the Cochrane Library.

In the advanced course you will receive an extensive theoretical introduction to databases and access to medical search, followed by a hands-on search tutorial for Medline through Ovid. Presentations on the use of search filters and managing literature with Endnote. Participants of this course would have knowledge of medical literature search.

Target group:

- All that want to learn to search for medical literature efficiently through Medline and other databases.

- M.D.s, authors, medical documentalists, librarians and others, that need to search for medical literature

- Team members of a systematic review or clinical guideline


- Introductions in the basics of literature search and an overview of relevant data bases.

- Learn to use different functions in Pubmed and Ovid as for example MeSH terms, limits, clinical queries, boolean operators and history.

- Repeat and use the above through detailed instructed tutorials.

Course language is German and English.

External link for more information


Otto-Krayer-Haus, Albertstr. 25, Freiburg im Breisgau

Course fee:

190 € for introductory course day

190 € for advanced course day

Contact and information:

Katharina Kunzweiler