Systematic Reviews in Health – an introductory training day: Southampton, United Kingdom

Do you use systematic reviews?

Are you thinking of doing a systematic review?

This training day provides an introductory overview of all aspects of systematic reviewing in health. It is designed for health professionals, academics and decision makers with an understanding of health and related research.

Special offer: book this course and Introduction to Health Economics and receive a £50 discount. To book this click on the link here.

Course Code: SHTACAITD

Course Leader: Dr Jonathan Shepherd

Course Description
The day comprises presentations led by members of the SHTAC team covering each of the stages of conducting a systematic review. These include:
  • What is a systematic review?
  • Scoping the research question
  • Literature searching
  • Inclusion/exclusion screening
  • Data extraction & critical appraisal
  • Data synthesis
  • Getting evidence into policy & practice

Venue: Chilworth Manor Hotel, Chilworth, Southampton, SO16 7PT, UK

Fee: £250 (public/academic sector), £350 (commercial sector). Includes all course materials, lunch & refreshments.

For more details and to book a place, please visit the University of Southampton online store

Any queries, please email

More details can be found here: