Good practice resources for Cochrane authors

Good practice resources for Cochrane authors
Good practice resources for Cochrane authors

Use the resources below when working on your Cochrane Review.

Submitted protocols and reviews which follow Cochrane methods and style need fewer revisions and have faster turnaround times in the editorial and production process. 

Authors can email the Cochrane Support Team ( with any questions about review development.

Start here

  • Cochrane's ReviewManager (RevMan) software helps you to work smarter. Plan your inclusion criteria and data extraction at protocol stage. RevMan will populate analyses automatically in your review
  • Read Chapters 2 and 3 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions when planning your review criteria. This Handbook is the main resource for all methods used in conducting Cochrane intervention reviews
  • Cochrane Interactive Learning is our recommended starting point for learning about Cochrane methods

Plan your review

The following resources will help you to plan and conduct your review:
  • Explore the software available for conducting Cochrane Reviews
  • Expand your knowledge by exploring our online collections of resources on key methods
  • Learn why it is important to involve consumers in your review

Write your review

Cochrane has high standards when it comes to research integrity, methodology and style. Your draft protocol will have a better chance of being accepted when you: 
  • Comply with our conflict of interest policy 
  • Follow Cochrane guidelines for conducting and reporting reviews 
  • Use recommended style and formatting 

Submit your review

The majority of draft protocols and reviews are submitted to Cochrane’s Central Editorial Service for peer review. When you receive an invitation to submit via Editorial Manager:
  • Follow our step-by-step instructions for authors to submit your draft
  • Learn about the policies that apply to your work
  • Find out about the quality standards expected by our Central Editorial Service 

Help and support

We want to help you write the best possible protocol or review. Get in touch at any time if you have questions!
  • Attend our Methods Support Unit web clinics to stay up to date with the latest in Cochrane methods
  • Contact the Cochrane Support team with technical and general queries
  • Sign up to our Author Digest and series of author support emails