Putting the Power of Cochrane to work for you: Getting the most out of Cochrane Crowd and TaskExchange

This webinar, which is part of Cochrane’s Learning Live webinar series, introduces two powerful tools to help get reviews done better and quicker:

  • Cochrane Crowd: our very own crowd of citizen scientists who are identifying the research we need to produce Cochrane Reviews
  • TaskExchange: connecting people who want help with Cochrane Reviews, with people who have the time and expertise to help.

Anna Noel-Storr and Tari Turner from the Project Transform team demonstrate how these tools can make your life easier, and get your review done faster. The webinar will be of interest to anyone who wants to use Cochrane Crowd and TaskExchange to help them do better reviews, quicker. This might be authors working on individual reviews or Managing Editors wanting to access consumer reviews, or TSCs trying to track down articles. 

Below you can watch recordings of each presentation.  We've also provided the slides from the presentations [PDF], and some downloadable infographics about both Cochrane Crowd and TaskExchange.

Part 1: Cochrane Crowd

Part 2: TaskExchange


Author information: 
Noel-Store, Anna; Turner, Tari; Watts, Chris