11. Key Resources for Cochrane Information Specialists

Cochrane induction for new staff. This web page provides an introduction to Cochrane and Cochrane reviews.

The CIS Support Team. The CIS Support team provides induction training, ongoing training, and support to all CISs in all aspects of their role within a Cochrane Review Group. Any CIS query can be sent to the Support Team via cis-support@cochrane.org.

The Cochrane Information Specialists' mailing list. The IS Mailing List was established to support communication, resource sharing, initiatives and ideas within the CIS community. Subscribe here.

The Cochrane Information Specialists' Portal - key resources and information for Cochrane CISs.

RevMan. For general information and to download the software. There is also a tutorial.

Information Management System (Archie). Archie is Cochrane's central server for managing documents and contacts details, these help resources are available.

Reference management software (e.g. EndNote, Reference Manager). Check with your local institution for available software. Free software such as Zotero is also available.

The Cochrane Style Manual. The Cochrane Style Manual is designed to help review authors and people responsible for copy-editing to use a consistent style when copy-editing Cochrane Reviews and other documents produced by the organisation.  Sections of particular relevance to CISs are Citing databases and study registers, and Citing references.

Glossary of Terms. This is the glossary of terms used in Cochrane.

The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. This is the official document that describes in detail the process of preparing and maintaining Cochrane systematic reviews on the effects of healthcare interventions. The current version is 5.1.0 (updated March 2011). Chapter 6: Searching for Studies is of immediate relevance to Information Specialists.

Methodological Expectations of Cochrane Intervention Reviews (MECIR): standards for the conduct and reporting of new Cochrane intervention reviews, reporting of protocols and the planning, conduct and reporting of updates.

The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Chapter 7: Searching for Studies is of immediate relevance to Information Specialists.

The Cochrane Editorial and Publishing Policy Resource (EPPR) brings together Cochrane's editorial and publishing policies, as well as general information about the editorial and publishing processes, and products including the Cochrane Library. The following chapters are especially relevant to CISs: Reporting search dates in Cochrane Reviews, Cochrane Review Updates which includes a link to the Updating Classification System, Complimentary access to selected Wiley journals for Cochrane Review Groups and Satellites and the Cochrane Register of Studies (CRS).