Testing Treatments
Testing Treatments was written to address a fundamental healthcare question: ‘How do we ensure that research into medical treatments best meets the needs of patients?’ Because research often fails to answer this question, and because many treatments are not based on sound evidence, the authors set out to promote better and more critical public evaluation of the effects of medical treatments.
One reviewer described the book as ‘Important, scary, and encouraging’. Testing Treatments is for anyone who wants to understand better how treatments can be tested fairly, why it is important to do this, and how anyone interested in health and health care can play a part in the process of testing treatments.
Testing Treatments has been widely used as a learning and teaching aid. In his Foreword to the book, Ben Goldacre concludes that the tricks of the medical research trade are better explained in Testing Treatments than anywhere else he has encountered. You can listen to Ben reading his Foreword to the book.
All translations of the book and additional information in English and other languages is available through www.testingtreatments.org.
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