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Covidence Forum
Covidence Forum
Covidence Forum
Covidence webinar: Cochrane's new online tool for streamlined review production
Covidence webinar: Cochrane's new online tool for streamlined review production
Covidence [webinar]: Helping your team get started using Cochrane's new online tool
Creating a ‘Summary of findings’ table without importing data from RevMan
Creating and using customized task email templates in Archie
Critical Apprasial of Medical Studies: Krems, Austria
Critical Apprasial of Medical Studies: Vienna, Austria
Cross-cultural team working within Cochrane
Crystal clear reporting: importance of using PRISMA for systematic reviews
Curso “Comparações Indirectas e Meta-análises em rede"
Customising workflow templates in Archie
Developing a Cochrane Systematic Review Workshop, Baltimore, USA
Developing a Cochrane Systematic Review: Baltimore, Maryland
Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review - Bagayam, Vellore: India
Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review - Bagayam, Vellore: India
Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review - Bagayam, Vellore: India
Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review - Penang, Malaysia
Developing a protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review - Vellore, India
Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review – Penang, Malaysia
Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review: Penang, Malaysia
Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review: Penang, Malaysia
Diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) reviews
Diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) – a brief introduction
Early Economic Modelling to Inform Clinical Trial Design and Other Decisions: York, United Kingdom
Economic Evaluation for Oncology: York, United Kingdom
Economic Modelling Techniques for the NHS & Public Health Training Day: York, United Kingdom
Editorial peer review for improving the quality of reports of biomedical studies
Editorial policy update: rejecting Cochrane Reviews and the appeals process
Editorial policy update: rejecting Cochrane Reviews and the appeals process
Editorial policy update: rejecting Cochrane Reviews and the appeals process
Editorial process of Cochrane DTA Reviews
Efecto de los estudios pequeños y sesgos de informe
Effiziente Literaturrecherche: Krems, Austria
Elaboración de un protocolo
Eligibility designs
Enhancing the Quality of Health Reporting by Media: Bengaluru, India
Entering data with the RevMan calculator
EQUATOR Network toolkit for editors
Estimation of Procalcitonin Levels for the diagnosis of sepsis in infants: Evidence from diagnostic test accuracy reviews
Evaluación del riesgo de sesgo de los estudios incluidos
Evidence Based Dental Medicine: Zagreb, Croatia
Evidence Synthesis of Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research: New Delhi, India
Evidence-informed Public Health Short course - Melbourne, Australia
Explorando la heterogeneidad
Exporting ‘Summary of findings’ table from GRADEpro GDT
Extracting data from figures using software
Extracting data from figures using software
Face-to-Face course on systematic review and meta-analysis of prognosis studies:Utrecht, The Netherlands
Face-to-Face course on Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of individual participant data (IPD): Utrecht, The Netherlands
Finishing your systematic review: workshop for Cochrane authors - Barcelona, Spain
Follow-up emails
For Cochrane Eyes and Vision authors - Workshop on developing a Cochrane systematic review - Baltimore, MD, USA
Formation de base en français pour auteurs de revues systématiques Cochrane
Formation de base en français pour auteurs de revues systématiques Cochrane - Québec, Université Laval
Formation de base en français pour auteurs de revues systématiques Cochrane: Québec City, Canada
Formation de base en français pour auteurs de revues systématiques Cochrane: Québec, Canada
Formulación de la pregunta de revisión
Formulating a Cochrane DTA Review question
Full economic evaluations
GDT tutorial: Creating a GRADE evidence table
Generating and using Workflow Reports
Getting Involved: Becoming a Cochrane Trainer
Getting to know EPPI-Reviewer [webinar]
Good practice resources for new Cochrane authors
GRADE CERQual Training - 13th - 15th June 2017: Modena, Italy
GRADE Handbook
GRADE Methodology Workshop: Adelaide, Australia
GRADE Methodology Workshop: Adelaide, Australia
GRADE Methodology Workshop: Adelaide, Australia
GRADE Methodology Workshop: Adelaide, Australia
GRADE Workshop - Grading Evidence and Recommendations: Freiburg, Germany
GRADE- von Studien zu Lietlinien: Krems, Austria
GRADE-CERQual: An introduction for qualitative evidence synthesis
GRADE-CERQual: An introduction for qualitative evidence synthesis [webinar]
Guideline Development Workshop Using the GRADE Approach: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Guidelines - The 7th Guideline Development Workshop using the GRADE approach: Seattle, USA
Guidelines for reporting healthcare research
Health Economic Evaluations and Economic Evidence: Finding Information to Inform Health Technology Assessments and Economic Models Training Day: York, United Kingdom
Health Utilities for Economic Models: York, United Kingdom
Hosting a webinar
How Cochrane Interactive Learning is being used
How to cite Cochrane products
How to complete a Licence for Publication form
How to Conduct Systematic Reviews Workshop – Ontario, Canada
How to convert your review to QUADAS-2
How to create an animated video summary of a Cochrane Review
How to design a social media strategy for a Cochrane entity
How to download RevMan data files from the Cochrane Library
How to link to specific sections of the Cochrane Handbook (online version)
How to make a systematic review: the basics of methodology and practical steps: Split, Croatia
How to overcome the challenges of reviewing adverse effects
How to overcome the challenges of reviewing adverse effects
How to peer review a manuscript: a JCE guide
How to prepare a Cochrane systematic review: Practical and methodological issues: Umeå, Sweden